ISPCA Petmoji App

We’re delighted to share our fun and exciting ISPCA Petmoji APP which is now available to download for Apple iOS devices.
Our Petmoji App is a great way to support our work sharing some of your favourite Petmoji’s with your friends and family.
Some features include:
- Share our ISPCA Inspector Petmoji’s to support our work
- Check out some of the adorable dogs, cats and horses on the App Store.
- Optimised for iMessage, Facebook and WhatsApp.
- Use the Keyboard or use straight from iMessage.
Banshee Apps aim to raise €10,000 for the ISPCA by achieving 10,000 downloads of the App downloadable for IOS products (Apple App store). The basic model will cost €1.99 per App downloaded. The ISPCA will receive €1 from every sale. Apple will take .60 cent with the balance going towards development costs.
IOS users can download the ISPCA Petmoji App and you’ll also be supporting the ISPCA at the same time.
See our ISPCA news section for more information about this exciting new initiative.